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Better sex tips

Friday, October 9, 2015

Female Infertility – A Basic Guide

Infertility is a term used to describe the inability of achieving pregnancy within one year of normal sexual activity without the use of any contraceptive. This is problem that can affect the relationship of any couple. This is a serious social and medical problem because in about half of the cases there are incurable damages to the reproductive organs. About 20% of married couple in their fertile age are sterile.

What leads to female infertility?
There are many different reasons why some women are infertile. Extragenital causes like hormonal, immune, psychogenic and other similar causes are usually more frequent than the others.
On the other hand, genital causes are separated depending on their location and they are known as vaginal, uterine, cervical, ovarian and tubal causes.

The cervical factor is present in more than 15% of women and this is usually some type of inflammation. One of the main reasons why the treatment approach of infertile couples is starting with the determination of the bacteriological situation of the cervical and vaginal swabs and examination of the presence of certain infection is the fact that their treatment reduces the risk of infertility and that this approach is the basis for many other diagnostic procedures like hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, HSG etc. maintain hard erection

The vaginal factor is present in between 5 and 10% of the cases. In some cases we are talking about mechanical barriers or poor coitus techniques while in other we have more serious problems like congenital malformations and inflammation.

The uterine factor is present in 10% of the cases. Tumors of the uterus or fibroids, polyps, adenomyosis, iterine synechia, congenital anomalities belong to this group of factors.
The tubal factor is definitely the most common cause of female infertility and it is present in almost half of the cases. The main reason is inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Finally, the ovarian factor is present in between 15 and 25% of the cases. Endometriosis is the most common cause.

Treatment of female infertility
Treatment of infertility in women is versatile and it depends on the cause of infertility. Some of these treatments include surgeries, anti-inflammation medicines, hormone therapy, antibiotics, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization etc.

It has been scientifically proven that practicing a healthy diet that includes many minerals and vitamins, the use of natural multinutrient supplements, moderate physical activity and avoiding stressful situations can have positive effect on both female and male fertility.

When it comes to female infertility, it is very important for the partner to understand the situation and tries to solve this problem together as a couple. Thanks to this understanding and support and with the help of medical professionals it is possible to achieve the wanted pregnancy.

Couples can use the fact that more than 50% of women after therapies and treatments were able to give birth to a healthy baby as a way to encourage themselves. The truth is that female infertility can be cured easier than male infertility. Finally, in about 5% of the cases, women manage to get pregnant although the real cause of infertility was never determined.

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